Monday 26 March 2018

How to Use PowerPoint Effectively in the Workplace

How to Use PowerPoint Effectively in the Workplace

After you might have read this article you will be proficient in MS PowerPoint by mastering how to use PowerPoint functions effectively in your working place.

Now, let's get started. Turn on your computer and open PowerPoint

Let’s see these ideas and others at work by looking at an example of a PowerPoint presentation.

Display the Full menus and shaping the Toolbars

PowerPoint functions

In case you're using a computer in a lab or some computer other than your own, you should set the options to always show full menus, Show the Standard and formatting toolbars on two rows, List font names in their own font, and Show ScreenTips on toolbars.

You may recall doing this at the beginning of all the previous lessons. If the computer you're using doesn't already have these settings, here's what you do.
In the Tools menu, select Customize…, and in the dialog box that pops up, select the Options tab.

Make sure there is a check mark next to the item to always show full menus
While you're at it, check the box next to Show Standard and Formatting toolbars on two rows, List font names in their font, and Show ScreenTips on toolbars
Click the Close button when you're ready.

In the New Presentation Task Pane, click on Presentations

The New Presentation Task Pane
PowerPoint now presents you with the Open dialog box.
In the Open dialog box, locate on your PowerPoint disk the document Tudor Monarchs, then Open the document
Shows the Tudor Monarchs presentation in Normal View as it appears on your screen right after you open the document.

Tudor Monarchs presentation
Take a look at the Slide View tools in the lower left corner of the PowerPoint window.
You'll use these tools a lot while you're developing your slides, so let's get a close up view of them right away and find out what each of them is about.

The Slide View toolbar (annotated)

Normal view
This is the view you see illustrated in on the previous page. It is the one you'll use most of the time while you're actually putting information on each slide. In this view you have the left hand frame where you have the option to either see a thumbnail of all your slides or the outline for your presentation. In the center of the window you have the slide you are actually working on—the active slide.

Slide Sorter view
This is the view you see illustrated in Fig. 9.7 on the next page and it is the one you'll find most useful when you want to get an overview of your show since you'll be able to see most all your slides at once. You also can easily move your slides around, changing the order to suit your purposes.
This is why it's called the Slide Sorter view.

The Slide Sorter View of the Presentation

Slide Show view
When you click on this button, you'll be able to see how the slide you're actually working on (the current or active slide) looks when you run the slide show. You'll use this button when you've been working on a slide for a while and you want to see how it will look to your audience.

You'll find yourself using these tools frequently to switch from one view to another as you are developing your PowerPoint presentation. Let's check out the Slide Sorter view now.

Click on the Slide Sorter tool in the Slide View toolbar (you can also access these views from the View menu, by the way)
Take a look at the Slide Sorter View window that is presented to you now (more or less the same as on the previous page, though your screen may be a different width, so the slides may be arranged differently across the page).

The presentation you are looking at was created to demonstrate some of the basic features of PowerPoint. By the end of this lesson you will be able to build your own presentations along themovie clips, sound files, and so forth).

Inserting clip art and other media

Take a closer look at or in the Insert menu se5399232064181453lect Picture, to see what options are available to you in the Picture sub-menu for inserting images onto the slides in your presentation.
Note: In the Insert menu, the Movies and Sounds options, too
You can download clip art and other media from a file you have saved on disk, or you can bring onto a slide all kinds of charts and tables from other Office programs such as Word or Excel.

You can even scan pictures directly onto a slide, so if you have a scanner connected to your computer, you’re in business. If you’re looking for multimedia material to accompany your slides, today's online computer in general, and PowerPoint in particular, make this as easy as possible to do.

Buttons and Hidden Slides
Notice the use of buttons to allow the user control movement through the slides. There also is a Hidden Slide (slide #7) which is only seen if you click on the button to see the answer to the question posed on slide #6.

This shows you that you can create some very interesting interactive learning materials using PowerPoint.

Well, if you look at each of the slides above, you will see that there is a button which the user can click on to control when to proceed to the next slide. Thus, by allowing a generous amount of time, along with user control, you're allowing each individual the freedom to proceed at his or her own pace. The speed at which our minds absorb data varies enormously from person to person. 

You always want to design teaching materials and lessons in such a way as to address individual student needs.

The last slide in any presentation, just as the last item in a term paper, should always be your list of sources cited or used.

The Acknowledgements slide
In the Slide View toolbar, click on the Slide Show button (or from the Slide Show menu, select View Show)
Now If you haven't already done so, click your way through the presentation now (you can click the left button on your mouse to do this, or hit the space bar, or use the arrow keys to go back and forth, or click on the Action Buttons on the slides themselves to proceed to the next or previous slide)

The slides have been timed to allow the user to easily view and read what is on each slide without feeling rushed. If you want the slides to proceed at a faster pace, simply click on the left mouse button or hit the space bar.
When you have finished reviewing the Tudor Monarchs slide show, exit the show by right clicking the mouse, then select the last menu item to End Show
Close the Tudor Monarchs presentation when you are ready to continue with the tutorial.


Preparation of the outline
You are going to prepare a simple outline which will give you the experience to prepare your own outlines when you're done with the tutorials.

It's alluring to just barrel along into a presentation, like someone tempting fate at Niagara Falls! But you should resist doing so at all costs because you'll save yourself no end of time in the long run if you carefully plan what you want to do. You really have to think ahead if you want to get where you want to go. Otherwise, there's no telling where you'll end up!

To create an outline, here are the steps to follow.
From the File menu select new and in the New Presentation Task Pane, click on Blank Presentation
New Presentation Task Pane

When you first open a new, blank presentation in PowerPoint XP, the program presents you with the Normal View with the Slide Layout Task Pane on the right. The screen at the start of a new blank presentation

Take a close look at the various parts of this opening screen—be sure to read each of the annotations before moving on
As you can see, PowerPoint provides a lot of help while you're developing your presentation.

The first slide layout is the Title slide layout by default. This is because you would normally want to start out a presentation with a slide that displays the title of your show, along with sub titles such as your name and so forth. You don't have to use these slide layouts, of course. You can create slides from scratch, entirely of your own design, in which case you would select the blank slide layout, which is the first of the Content Layout slide templates.

Typing the outline entries

Right now you need the Outline view in the left hand pane, in order to start work on the outline. As you will see, the outline will be merged into the slide show with little effort on your part, thanks to PowerPoint’s slide layout features.

Click on the Outline tab at the top of the left hand pane
PowerPoint now presents the Outline view with a small slide icon in the top left corner, waiting for you to begin entering the text for your slides.

The Outline view in the left hand pane

Before you start, however, you should save the presentation with an appropriate name so that you can easily save your work as you go along. Remember, this is always a wise precaution. Giving a new document a name and saving it on your disk helps you to get into good habits about saving your work. You should teach your students to be equally careful when they are developing work on a computer.

Make sure you have your Data Disk in the drive, then from the File menu select Save As, call the document Screen beans, select the drive for your disk, and click on Save.

The outline for the Screen beans presentation

For the first slide, type the title No Problems, Only Solutions next to the first slide icon and hit enter
Now then. Notice that PowerPoint thinks you want a whole new slide (you can see a new slide icon next in the Outline). But you want to stay on the first slide because you need to put your name as a sub-title. To do this you need to switch levels in the Outline.

Switching levels in an Outline

Switching levels means moving up or down in the hierarchy of topics on each slide. For example, you might have a top level topic such as Disasters, then as sub topics you might have Earthquakes, followed by Volcanoes, followed by Forest Fire, and so forth. If you look at the second slide in the word Confusion is at the top level, then what immediately follows – indented - is lower level text A problem often presents itself etc. When you switch to the next level down (called demoting), the text is automatically indented to the right.

So, to conclude, moving the text to the left takes you up a level in an outline, which is called promoting. Moving the text to the right takes you down a level in an outline -called demoting.
Moving (demoting) text to a lower level
For the remaining slides you have to enter text not only for the Title of each slide at the top level, but also for the text placeholder This text will be at a lower level than the title. To change levels in an outline, PowerPoint provides outlining tools

The Outline Control tools
Here are the steps to display this Outlining toolbar on the left side of the window so you can easily get to it when you need to work on your outline.
In the View menu, select Toolbars and in the sub-menu select Outlining ESSENTIAL MICROSOFT OFFICE XP:

Now, in the Outline Control tools Click on the second arrow down to demote to a lower level the next text that you’re going to type into the outline
Raising (promoting) text to a higher level
Look at your outline again and notice that the next entry you type will still be indented and bulleted on the same slide—slide #1. But you want to start a new slide in the Outline. To do this, you must switch levels again, this time promoting to a higher level.

Click on the top arrow in the Outline Control tools to promote the next text item to the top level for the 2nd slide

As you see, this takes you up one level. Now you are at Level 1 of your outline, still on the same line, but you’ll be working on a new slide—slide #2.
Type Confusion for the title of the second slide, then hit Enter

In the Outline Control tools (Fig. 9.15), click on the second arrow down to demote to a lower level the next text that you’re going to type into the outline
Type the lower level text for the second slide (A problem often…) from the illustration then hit Enter

That is all you need to do for the second slide for now. You will add pictures in a moment. But first you should complete the text outline. As you can see, you need to promote the next text item back to the top level for slide #3. You will use the Outline control tools once more.
You should be starting to get the hang of this by now, especially if you have already completed the eight preceding tutorials! Indeed, you should be starting to think of yourself as something of an expert with Microsoft Office in general, and with the various Office tools like PowerPoint in particular.

You should be starting to get the hang of this by now, especially if you have already completed the eight preceding tutorials! Indeed, you should be starting to think of yourself as something of an expert with Microsoft Office in general, and with the various Office tools like PowerPoint in particular.
So go ahead now and type the rest of the outline promoting and demoting the text levels as you go along
When you have typed the title and text entries for slide #9, be sure to save your work again with the document name Screen beans

Now, before you go on, in the left hand pane, click on the Slides tab so you can see the thumbnails of all your slides
Neat, huh? PowerPoint has selected the simple Title and Text slide layout since a title and some text is all you have on each slide thus far. But now you need to select a different slide layout for all the slides after the first slide because you are going to add a picture to each one.

Click on the thumbnail for Slide #2, then in the Format menu select Slide Layout…
In the Slide Layout Task Pane on the right of your screen, locate the Text and Content Layouts section of the Slide layouts
In the Text and Content Layouts, locate and double click on the layout for Title, Text, and Content
The Title, Text, and Content slide layout
The new layout lets you to put a title at the top of the slide, some clip art in the lower left placeholder, and text in the lower right placeholder.

Sunday 4 March 2018

Practical Steps in Working with MS PowerPoint

Practical Steps in Working with MS PowerPoint

Are you looking for where to get A-Z tutorials on how to do a powerpoint presentation step by step? Go no further, We got you covered, but before we go into details, let's first of all know what Ms PowerPoint is and its functions. Microsoft PowerPoint is an electronic presentation package that aids people to present a speech using a group of slides. A PowerPoint presentation is a collection of slides that can be used to create oral presentations.

This is the normal first slide of a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation.
Inserting a New Slide.

Home << New Slide
Select the Layout required, the layouts are pre-set but can be modified as desirable
Here are four different views in PowerPoint:
Slide sorter
Notes page
Slide show

Each view is used for a different step in creating your PowerPoint presentation.

Microsoft PowerPoint practical steps

Normal View
Click on View choose Normal
This view is used when creating and designing your slides.
Selecting a Slide
To hand-pick a slide, click the slide in the slides panel (a thick borderline appears around the slide).
Note: This view can also be changed using the icons at the bottom of the page on the task bar.

Slide Sorter View
Click on View choose Slide Sorter
This view is good to use when establishing your slides. Use when you want to copy, delete, paste or move your slides.

Deleting a Slide
Select the slide that you want to delete and press the Delete key on the keyboard OR right click on the selected slide and select Delete Slide from the menu.

Copying a Slide
Select the slide you want to copy, right click on the selected slide and select Copy from the menu.
Pasting a Slide
Place your cursor where you want to paste the slide (e.g. amid 9 & 13) Ctrl + V

Moving a slide
After creating a PowerPoint presentation you may choose to adjust the order of your slides. Select the slide you wish to move (a border will appear around the selected slide), and drag the slide to where you want to reposition it and drop it into the position. The slide number sequence will automatically update.

Slide Show
Click on View choose Slide Show
It shows your presentation in full screen. It can also be used to check any animations, transitions or timing at the final stage of preparation for your presentation
Note: Press ESC key to return to normal view.

Notes Page
Click on View choose Notes Page
Note: You can add and view your notes for each slide.

Inserting a Graph

Select the slide you are going to put the chart on
Click on Insert choose Chart
Select the type of chart you want to use Click OK
An excel window will open, so that you can edit / enter the data in your chart
Note: If the table disappears, right click on your chart Click Edit Data and the table will appear again.

Note: To adjust or change your chart type, right click on your chart then Click on Change Chart Type

Inserting a Diagram in Microsoft PowerPoint
Select Insert Smart Art
Select a Diagram type Click OK
You can also click on the objects within the diagram to edit them.

Inserting a Sound
Choose the slide you are going to put the sound on
Click on Insert select Audio click choose Audio from File
Browse for your sound file then Insert.
When you click on the sound icon your sound will start playing automatically.
To transfer your sound icon out of the middle of your PowerPoint Click on the icon move it to where you want to place it.

To change the playback of your sound:
Click on the Playback tab Click the Start dropdown box then select Automatically, On Click or Play across slides

Note: If you chose automatically, your sound will play straight away.
If you chose On Click, you will need to click on the sound icon.
If you chose Play across slides, when you click on your sound icon your sound will continue to play across all slides.

Inserting a Video
Choose the slide you are going to insert a video into.
Insert choose Video then Video from File
Browse for your video Insert

To change the playback of your video:
Click on the Playback tab
Click on the Start dropdown box
Choose between Automatically or On Click
Automatically will play your movie clip straight away
On Click means you have to click on your movie clip to get it to play

Adding Action Buttons to your Presentation
By adding action buttons to your presentation you can tell a movie or sound to play or you could use an action button to navigate to another slide in your presentation.

Action Buttons
Click Insert choose Shapes then Action Buttons

Choosing a button
Once you have chosen your button you will notice the mouse pointer has changed to +
Move your mouse onto your slide and click and drag to make your button
The action button dialogue box will now show, this is to enable you to choose the settings you want for your button
Choose which tab you want to use; Mouse Click or Mouse Over
Choose which action you want and click OK.

A carefully studies of the above practical steps to work with Microsoft PowerPoint can make you an Microsoft PowerPoint presentation expert.

Wednesday 28 February 2018

Causes Of Breast Cancer, Symptoms, And Treatment

Causes Of Breast Cancer, Symptoms, And Treatment

Rather than a lumpy tender area, a woman may detect a definite lump in her breast. This is of concern because breast cancer has caused so many untimely death among women. However, only one breast lump in five proves to be due to cancer, so a woman detecting a lump should not panic but should seek expert help to diagonise if really it's a breast cancer or just a lump.

A breast lump may be detected if a woman examines her breast each month (if still menstruating, in the week after her period case) and has her breast checked by a doctor each year. Breast self examination is not difficult to learn although its value in detecting an earearly breast cancer is doubtful. 

The woman lies down comfortably and with the lips of the finger of the opposite hand palpates each breast in turn, systematically starting at the outer upper part and vertical strips from her armpit to the bra line, up and down until she has palpated all her breast tissue. If the patient palpates a small lump. She should go to her doctor at once.

Breast cancer symptoms and treatment

It may be cancer, but usually it is necessary to perform a small operation so that the lump can be removed and examined under a microscope. 

Breast self examination or examination by a doctor only detects relatively large breast lumps. Because of this many doctors now suggest that an x-ray technique called “mammography” is offered to all older women. 

Mammogram is made when the woman is between the ages of 45 and 50, and from age 50 is made mammography further investigation are needed (usually a needle biopsy of the suspicious lump) to exclude breast cancer.

Only one woman will be found to have breast cancer in the biopsy.  The cancer is at such an easily stage that cure is very likely. It is hoped that this technique will reduce deaths from breast cancer by about 30 percent.


Cancer of the breast is fairly common in women, and is always dangerous. Successful treatment depends on spotting the first sign of possible cancer and getting medical care soon.
Surgery is usually necessary.

Symptoms of Breast Cancer
  1. The woman may notice a lump, often in this part of the breast
  2. Or the breast may have an abnormal dent or dimple or many tiny pits like the skiing of an orange.
  3. Often there are large but painless lymph nodes in the armpit.
  4. The lump grows slowly.
  5. At first it usually does not hurt or get hot. Later it may hurt.

Every woman should know how to examine her own breasts for possible signs of cancer. She should do it once a month, preferably on the 10th day after her menstrual period started. 
  • Look at the breast carefully for any new difference between the size or shape. Try to notice any of the above signs.
  • While lying with pillow or folded blanked under your back, feel your breast with the flat of your finger. Press your breast and roll it beneath your finger tips.
Start near the nipple and go around the breast and up into the armpit. Then squeeze your nipple and check whether blood or a discharge comes out . if you find a lump or any other abnormal sign, get medical advice. Many lumps are not cancer, but it is important to find out earsy.

Treatment for Breast Cancer

Novaldex table 20mg or 40gm once daily myleran tablet 2mg, 3daily for 1 week, then I table daily for 3 weekis. It interferes with cell-division, especially in the bone marrow. 

It is chiefly used in the treatment myeloid leukaemia. The number of white cells becomes reduced the enlarged spleen shringks, and anemia is reliieved. 

A does of 13 tablets daily may have to be given for three months to produce the maximum improvement and then the smaller maintenance dose can be given. A complete blood count should be done weekly. 

Leuekran tablet, add by glaxo welcome Nigeria Ltd. 200mg per kilo body weight daily for 316 weeks. It interferes with chromosome development in the nuclei of cells, especially lymphocytes, neutrophi  granulocytes and platelets. 

It is used in the treatment of Hodgkin's disease, lymphosarcomma and lymphatic leukaemia. It should not be given within 4 weeks of treatment by x-rays or any other cytotoxic drug/ Adriamycin injection, made by up john Nigeria Ltm. 

Powder for injection intravenous route 60 75mg. M2 of body surface area by injection every weeks. There are so many types of cancer some of which are:
1. Cancer of the breast
2. Cancer of the skin 
3. Cancer of the stomach
4. Cancer of the lips
5. Cancer of blood

Causes of cancer can be trace to:
1. Early sex
2. Smoking 
3. Alcoholic consumption 1(2,nQ12

Ways to prevent cancer:
1. Avoid early sex
2. Avoid smoking
3. Avoid alcoholic consumption.

For more information about breast cancer symptoms and treatment, refer to your doctor further advice.

Monday 26 February 2018



Hematemesis is a condition where one vomits bloods, it normally occurs both in children and adults.


Seeing blood in vomit sometimes maybe caused by the following:
  1. peptic ulcers
  2. poisoning from radiative elements
  3. stomach cancer
  4. wounded blood vessels
  5. Irritation in the lining of the stomach
  6. Alcoholism
  7. swallowed blood
  8. swallowed dangerous objects
  9. liver failure.

Some of the symptoms of hematemesis include:
Difficulty in breathing, feeling dizzy, fainting, nausea, unclear vision.

Vomiting blood - blood in vomit


Ingredients: mango kernel, water.
Preparation: grind mango kernel and mix it with water. Then, drop the mixture into the ear at once. It will stop immediately.
Dosage: Take at once to get immediate result.


Yellow fever is a disease gotten from the bite of yellow fever mosquitoes and some other species of mosquitoes. Yellow fever is caused by an infected mosquito transferring the yellow fever virus into humans.


Some of the symptoms of yellow fever include: skin or eye turns Yellow, back pain, headeche, loss of appetite, nausea, dizziness, fever, muscule aches, decreased urination, chills or shivering, vomiting.


Ingredients: Bitter leaves, water orange.
Preparation: Squeeze bitter leaves with very little water, then add much orange juice.

Dosage: Take half glass, 2 times daily for 2 weeks to get immediately result.

Wednesday 21 February 2018

Family Planning, Teaching You How To Spacing Your Children

Family Planning, Teaching You How To Spacing Your Children

The meaning of family planning is spacing of pregnancy or having s*x without pregnancy. Many parents have different reasons for planning to limit the size of their family. Some young parents may decide to delay having any children until they have worked and saved enough so that they can afford to care for them well.

Some parents may decide that a small number of children is enough and they never want more. Others may want to space their children several years apart using either contraceptives or Modern Family planning methods, so that both the children and their mother will be healthier. Some parents may feel they are too old to have more children.

when a man and woman decide when they want to have children and when they do not, they can choose one of several methods to prevent the woman from becoming pregnant for as long she wishes. The are many method of family planning safe for woman.

BIRTH CONTROL: in some parts of the world there has been a lot discussion  about whether different different forms of birth control except trying not to have sex together.

But an increasing number of religious leaders are realising how important it is to the health and well being of families and communities that people be able to use easier and sure methods of birth control. 

Family planning

Also in many place woman pregnant when they do not want a child will give for abortion, to have the pregnancy removed. Thousands of women die from such about such abortions. 

If women are given the change to use birth control methods and information to use them wisely with many abortions, legal and illegal, would not be necessary, much needless suffering and death could be prevented. 

Birth control pills are Reade of chemicals hormones) That normally occur in women body. When take correctly, the "pills" is one of the most effective methods for avoiding pregnancy. 

However, certain women should not take control pills if they can use another method. Birth control pills do not prevent AIDS or any other sexually transmitted diseases. 

To prevent these disease, use a condom. Take the first pill on the fifth day from the beginning of your period, counting the first day of the period as day 1. They take 1 pill everyday until the packet is finished. (21 days). Take your pills at the same time each day. After finishing the packet, wait seven days before taking any more pills. 

Then begin another packet, one pill each day. This way you will take the pills for 3 weeks out of each month then go one week without taking any.

Normally the menstrual period will come during the week when the pill is not taken. Even if the period does not come, start the new packet 7 days after 7 days after finishing the last one. Who should not take birth control pills:
A women who has any of these following signs should not take oral or injected contra captives: 

  1. A woman whose period is late, who thinks she might be pregnant.
  2. Deep or steady pain in one leg or hip. This may be caused by a inflamed vein ( phlebitis or blood cloth. Do not use birth control pills. Women with varicose veins that are not inflamed can usually take birth control pills without problems. 
  3. But they should stop taking them if the veins become inflamed. 
Stroke: A woman who has had any signs of stroke should not take the pails. Hepatitis, cirrhosis, or other liver disease.

Women with these problems or whose eyes had a yellow color during pregnancy should not take the pills . It is better not to take oral contraceptives for one year after having hepatitis. 

Tuesday 20 February 2018

How To Cure Nosebleeding Naturally

How To Cure Nosebleeding Naturally

To permanently cure nosebleeds most especially in adults, do the following:
  1. Sit quietly 
  2. Blow the nose gently, remove mocus and blood 
  3. Pinch the nose firm for 10 munites or until the bleeding has stopped. Tell the person to breathe through mouth.
If this doesn't control the bleeding; pack the mostril with a wad of cotton, leaving part of it outside the nose. If possible, first wet the cotton with hydrogen peroxide, Vaseline, or lideocane with epinephrine.

How to permanently stop nosebleeds

For severe nose bleed, soak a little into some cotton and pack into the nose.  The epinephrine will cause the veins to squeeze shut and help control bleeding.

STOPS: Now take out very carefully. In order persons especially, bleeding may come from the part of the nose and cannot be stopped by pinching it. In this case, have the person hold a cork, corn cobs, or other similar object between his teeth and leaning forward, sit quietly and try not to swallow until the bleeding stops. (The cork helps keep the person from swallowing and that gives the blood a chance to cloth).

How To Prevent Nosebleeds
A person's nose bleeds often, smear a little Vaseline inside the nostrils twice a day. Or sniff water with a little salt in it.

Eating oranges, tomatoes, and other fruits may help to strengthen the vein so that the nose bleeds less.

Harbal Treatment For Nosebleeding
Squeeze some scenting leave in hand until it looks like a ball and some some water coming out,  press inside the nose undiluted water. The bleed will stop.

Cactus juice can be used to clean wounds when there is no boiled water and no way to get any, cardon cactus also helps stop a wound from bleeding. Because the juice makes the cut blood. Blood vessels squeeze shut, when bleeding is under control tie a piece of the cactus to the wound with strip of cloth.

Stuffy And Running Noses
A stuffy or running nose can result from a cold or allergy, a lot of mucus is iE the nose may cause ear infections in children or sinus problem in adult. to help clear a stuffy nose, do the following:

1. In little children, carefully suck the mucus out of the nose with a suction bulb or syringes without a needle.

2. Older children and adults can put a little salt water into their hand and sniff it into the nose. This helps to loosen the mucus.

3. Breathing hot water vapour as described as follow: to loosen mucus and ease any kind of cough, drink lots of water: this works better than any medicine, also breaths hot water vapours, sit on a chair with a pocket of very hot water to catch feet, place a sheet over your head and cover the bucket to catch the vapour as the rise. Breathe the vapours deeply for 15 minutes. Repeat leaves or vapour but hot water works just as well alone. Do not use vapour or eucalyptus if the person has asthma.

4. Wipe a runny or stuffy nose, but try not to blow it. Blowing the nose may lead to earache and sinus infection.

5. Persons who often get earaches or sinus trouble after a cold can help prevent these problem by using decongestant nose drop like phenylephrine.

Put 1 or 2 drops in each nostril 4 times a day. Do not use for more than 3 days. After sniffing a little salt water than before the drop.

Sinusitis is an acute or chronic ( long-term) inflammation of the sinuses or hollows in the bone the open into the nose. It usually occurs after a person has had an infection of the ears or throat, or after a bad cold.

Pain in the face above and blow the eyes. Thick mucus or pus in the nose, perhaps with a bad smell. The nose is often stuffy.
  •  Fever (sometimes)
  • Certain teeth may hurt.

Drink a lot of water sniff a little salt water into the nose or breathe steam from hot water to clear the nose. Put hot compressor on the face use decongestant nose drop such as phenlephime (neosynephine).

These may be use for stuffy or "runny" nose, especially if a persons has ( or often gets) infection of the inner ear. Put 1 or 2 drops in each nostril 4 times a day for 3 days. Children 1 capsules 3 times days. Ampliciling capsules. Adult 2 capsules of 250mg 3 times daily for 5 days.
Introduction To MS PowerPoint And How To Use It

Introduction To MS PowerPoint And How To Use It

Ms PowerPoint is a professional presentation program that is used in creating "presentation slides" that can be viewed on the computer screen or through projector that is plugged into the computer. It is a good and easy way to convey information especially to a large audience.

MS PowerPoint tutorials

How do I start ms PowerPoint? After booting up the computer system, load the application. Below are some PowerPoint tutorials topically for beginners.

  1. move your mouse to the start button and click the left mouse  button.
  2. move your mouse to all programs.
  3. move your mouse to ms PowerPoint and click the left mouse button. Occasionally, ms powerpoint will be in a folder called " ms office" or similar, this will make one or more step between "programs" and "ms powerpoint." Ms PowerPoint will open a blank page called"presentation 1.  
Note: the default title" presentation1" you might want to rename your presentation slides the first time you choose to save it. 

Now to the main components of ms powerpoint.

(1) The Title Bar: this bar features two important bits of information: firstly which file you are currently working with e.g presentation 1 since it has not yet been renamed. And secondly which program you are using e.g ms powerpoint.

(2) The Menu Bar: it is a common site in almost all microsoft windows programs. And it consist of menu used to issue commands.

(3) The Standard Toolbar: this provides "shortcuts " to commands also found in the menu bar.

(4) Design & New Slide Icons: design icon is a shortcut to the slide design page. While the new slide icon automatically adds a new, blank slide for you to work on.

(5) TeX Boxes: this are areas that allows you to type text into the slide

Understanding User Needs

the first problem in choosing the correct software package is, understanding the users needs the "task at hand." For example, composing a document means something different to a fiction writer. In this case ms powerpoint is intended to help compose presentation slides.

How to add text to a Shape in your presentation slide
  1. In your presentation, select an Autoshape.
  2. Type the text you want
Note: Some Autoshape such as lines,connectors, and some freeform drawings, have no room for text. While you can't add text to the shapes, you can place it near the shape. Just add a text box, place it close to  the shape, and type your text in the box.

How to Fit text in a ShapeShape 
  1. Right - click the shape that contains the text that does not fit.
  2. On the shortcut menu, click format Autoshape.
  3. In the format Autoshape dialogue, click the text box tab.
  4. Under text autofitting, select the option you want.
The above steps are some quick tips to master Ms PowerPoint presentation. Keep coming for more advanced PowerPoint presentation tutorials.