A breast lump may be detected if a woman examines her breast each month (if still menstruating, in the week after her period case) and has her breast checked by a doctor each year. Breast self examination is not difficult to learn although its value in detecting an earearly breast cancer is doubtful.
The woman lies down comfortably and with the lips of the finger of the opposite hand palpates each breast in turn, systematically starting at the outer upper part and vertical strips from her armpit to the bra line, up and down until she has palpated all her breast tissue. If the patient palpates a small lump. She should go to her doctor at once.
It may be cancer, but usually it is necessary to perform a small operation so that the lump can be removed and examined under a microscope.
Breast self examination or examination by a doctor only detects relatively large breast lumps. Because of this many doctors now suggest that an x-ray technique called “mammography” is offered to all older women.
Mammogram is made when the woman is between the ages of 45 and 50, and from age 50 is made mammography further investigation are needed (usually a needle biopsy of the suspicious lump) to exclude breast cancer.
Only one woman will be found to have breast cancer in the biopsy. The cancer is at such an easily stage that cure is very likely. It is hoped that this technique will reduce deaths from breast cancer by about 30 percent.
Cancer of the breast is fairly common in women, and is always dangerous. Successful treatment depends on spotting the first sign of possible cancer and getting medical care soon.
Surgery is usually necessary.
Symptoms of Breast Cancer
- The woman may notice a lump, often in this part of the breast
- Or the breast may have an abnormal dent or dimple or many tiny pits like the skiing of an orange.
- Often there are large but painless lymph nodes in the armpit.
- The lump grows slowly.
- At first it usually does not hurt or get hot. Later it may hurt.
Every woman should know how to examine her own breasts for possible signs of cancer. She should do it once a month, preferably on the 10th day after her menstrual period started.
- Look at the breast carefully for any new difference between the size or shape. Try to notice any of the above signs.
- While lying with pillow or folded blanked under your back, feel your breast with the flat of your finger. Press your breast and roll it beneath your finger tips.
Treatment for Breast Cancer
Novaldex table 20mg or 40gm once daily myleran tablet 2mg, 3daily for 1 week, then I table daily for 3 weekis. It interferes with cell-division, especially in the bone marrow.
It is chiefly used in the treatment myeloid leukaemia. The number of white cells becomes reduced the enlarged spleen shringks, and anemia is reliieved.
A does of 13 tablets daily may have to be given for three months to produce the maximum improvement and then the smaller maintenance dose can be given. A complete blood count should be done weekly.
Leuekran tablet, add by glaxo welcome Nigeria Ltd. 200mg per kilo body weight daily for 316 weeks. It interferes with chromosome development in the nuclei of cells, especially lymphocytes, neutrophi granulocytes and platelets.
It is used in the treatment of Hodgkin's disease, lymphosarcomma and lymphatic leukaemia. It should not be given within 4 weeks of treatment by x-rays or any other cytotoxic drug/ Adriamycin injection, made by up john Nigeria Ltm.
Powder for injection intravenous route 60 75mg. M2 of body surface area by injection every weeks. There are so many types of cancer some of which are:
1. Cancer of the breast
2. Cancer of the skin
3. Cancer of the stomach
4. Cancer of the lips
5. Cancer of blood
Causes of cancer can be trace to:
1. Early sex
2. Smoking
3. Alcoholic consumption 1(2,nQ12
Ways to prevent cancer:
1. Avoid early sex
2. Avoid smoking
3. Avoid alcoholic consumption.
For more information about breast cancer symptoms and treatment, refer to your doctor further advice.
For more information about breast cancer symptoms and treatment, refer to your doctor further advice.